How to choose a high quality extra virgin olive oil?

How do you recognize a high quality extra virgin olive oil?

When you are in the supermarket and looking for a high quality EVO oil it is very difficult to choose and also very difficult to find high quality EVO oils, that is, those that have the characteristics of freshness, taste and health. In general it is better to choose a reputable manufacturer like the Frantoio del Grevepesa. But if you have to choose an oil in the shop you have to follow 6 rules: reasonably high price, dark bottle or tin, production date less than 18 months, "cold" pressing = not higher than 27 degrees centigrade, clear color.

There are 5 fundamental rules for choosing a quality EVO oil.

Rule N°1: The label

Check it out the label: Make sure the label on the bottles of EVOO clearly states the following information: “Extra virgin olive oil“, the place of production, the date or year of harvest (for example 2023/2024) and/or the packaging date, the extraction method, and the name of the manufacturer. Avoid oils that use words like “blend” or “refined,” as they may not be high quality. Read also “How to read the label of extra virgin olive oils"

Rule N°2: The packaging

Secondary: Extra virgin olive oil should be stored in dark glass bottles or tin, which protect the oil from light and oxidation. Avoid clear or plastic bottles, which can compromise the quality of the oil.

Rule N°3: Aroma and Taste

Aroma and taste: Taste the oil, if possible, to evaluate its aroma and taste. A quality extra virgin olive oil should have a fresh and fruity aroma, with herbaceous notes. The taste should be balanced, with a slight bitterness and spiciness, and a fruity and persistent flavor.

Rule No. 4: The price

Be wary of low-cost oils: the production of extra virgin olive oil requires expertise in the field, care in the selection of olives, professionalism in the oil extraction process obtained solely with mechanical processes. High quality Italian extra virgin olive oil in 2024 has a base price of around €16/17 per litre.

Rule N ° 5: Color

The color it does not represent an indicator of quality. However, a good extra virgin olive oil must always present itself as clear and shiny. In fact, unfiltered oils tend to release a deposit at the bottom of the bottle which over time generates unpleasant odors and flavours. Therefore, be wary of cloudy oils that maintain quality for a very limited period.

Read also: how to taste extra virgin olive oil.

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