Frequently asked questions about extra virgin olive oil

How do you recognize a quality extra virgin olive oil

High quality extra virgin olive oil can be recognized through tasting, that is, by tasting it. The high quality EVO oil must be fruity on the nose, and have a good balance of spicy and bitter taste. It is difficult to recognize quality extra virgin olive oil only from the label because extra virgin olive oil can be obtained from low quality olives. Relying on certified and experienced producers such as the olive growers of the Grevepesa consortium is already a guarantee of a high quality oil.

How to buy a quality extra virgin olive oil

Before buying extra virgin olive oil, you need to check the harvest date which should be within one year of purchase. EVO oil can be kept for up to 18 months. Then you have to buy a package that is suitable for consumption, if you buy a 5-liter can but then keep it open for 6 months without finishing it, the oil inside it oxidizes. This is why we have produced the bag in box that allows you to keep the vacuum inside the package even after opening.

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